
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Release Notes - Wwise Unity Integration 2017.2.0.6500.947

This release delivers the Wwise SDK update for Wwise 2017.2.0, and compatibility with Unity 2017.3.


  • Wwise SDK: 2017.2.0
  • Unity: Unity 5.5, 5.6, 2017.1, 2017.2, and 2017.3 (Personal or Pro).
    Note: Important note: This integration has not been tested on Unity 4.
    Platforms: Wwise Unity Integration tested on:
    Unity 2017.3.0f3
    UWP (Universal Windows Platform)
    Xbox One
    Unity 2017.2.0f3
    Switch Unity for Nintendo Switch 3.1.2 (Unity 5.6.4 with NintendoSDK 3.5.2)

New Features:

Migration Notes:

Resolved Issues:

  • WG-25994: Made the audio input source plug-in accessible via C# scripting. See Using the Audio Input Source Plug-in in Unity. for more information.
  • WG-27337: Added ability to post MIDI events to the sound engine. See Sending MIDI to Wwise. for more information.
  • WG-28541: Added namespaces for all enums not prefixed with Ak. Added Ak prefix to all generated classes.
  • WG-33501: Added automatic SoundBank management.
  • WG-34446: Reduced memory allocations in AkCallbackManager.

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