Audiokinetic의 커뮤니티 Q&A는 사용자가 Wwise와 Strata 커뮤니티 내에서 서로 질문과 답변을 하는 포럼입니다. Audiokinetic의 기술 지원팀에게 문의하고 싶으신 경우 지원 티켓 페이지를 사용해주세요.

Wwise backwards compatability

0 투표


I am trying to update a 4.6 project to 4.7, I have two plugins in the project, one being Wwise the other being substance. It is saying that it cannot find a DLL, I was wondering if Wwise is backwards compatible or at least forward? I am making sure that it is not wwise.


문의 2015 3월 24 General Discussion Robert M. (4,640 포인트) 로 부터

1 답변

0 투표

I'm assuming you're talking about UE4.7 - did you grab the UE4.7 integration from GitHub?  Each version or UE has a new integration on Git, since each time things change JUST a little bit :).
답변 2015 3월 24 Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3,860 포인트) 로 부터
Yeah I was I figured it out though. It was on the substance side than! :)