Audiokinetic의 커뮤니티 Q&A는 사용자가 Wwise와 Strata 커뮤니티 내에서 서로 질문과 답변을 하는 포럼입니다. Audiokinetic의 기술 지원팀에게 문의하고 싶으신 경우 지원 티켓 페이지를 사용해주세요.

Easiest way to bypass dry signal of realtime mic in Unity/Wwise?

0 투표
I've been mulling this over the past few days and I'm pretty sure I've been overthinking it.

I'd like to take a realtime audio input from a player and play it back (realtime) in the Unity scene but only hearing the 'wet' signal.
Example: Player realtime microphone input > Wwise > scene environment reverb

Is this as simple as routing the input through Wwise with a reverb aux send and out into the Unity gameobject.

Mute dry audio, playback reverb aux send?

문의 2016 5월 21 General Discussion Robert B. (100 포인트) 로 부터
Could you tell me how to get real-time microphone input into Wwise in Unity? Hope you could paste some reference urls.
How did you get audio input into Unity?
Hi Kristina, Thanks a lot. Hope your VRAASP project succeed. I used to be an architecture, now I'm trying to design space by sound. I'm glad to find out I'm not alone :) 

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