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[UE4] Bank is unloaded although music is still playing

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I'm having the problem that Soundbanks are apparently unloaded while a music event in that bank is still playing in Unreal which leads to that event just cutting off. Is there something I can do to prevent unloading of a bank? I do still keep a reference to the Play event, but that doesn't do anything.

문의 2019 8월 14 General Discussion Tobias G. (220 포인트) 로 부터

1 답변

0 투표
Hi Tobias,

I can't comment much about the specifics of unreal engine here but what I can let you know is that Playing events keep an additional reference on the stuff they need from soundbanks. This means, that while I wouldn't advise it, if you unload a bank while something is playing it will often continue to play without issue.

> Is there something I can do to prevent unloading of a bank?

You need to figure out why the bank is being unloaded. I don't know specifics of how unreal loads/unloads banks. Look carefully at the profiler log with soundbank logging enabled. If you are a coder or work with one look for calls to AK::SoundEngine::UnloadBank.

Hope that helps

Dan Murray
답변 2019 8월 20 Dan M. (2,640 포인트) 로 부터