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Listener Relative Routing Obs/Occ Non-Spatial Sounds

0 votes

We're experiencing an issue where our music is being obstructed by spatial volumes and portals. When the player enters/exits a spatial volume, the music will obs/occ like a 3d sound even though the 3D Spatialization is set to None and the Attenuation is either unselected or selected but with no attenuation set. The only way to get music to play correctly is to unselect Listener Relative Routing which then duplicates the Master Bus. Has anyone experienced this behavior?
asked Mar 18, 2020 in General Discussion by Michael D. (240 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It seems obs/occ is another control layer on top of attenuation. It directly uses the position and the relation with the environment to work. In Wwise 2019.2.0, obs works for roomtune event on room component, and occ works for common game object. I guess you want to have the music with 3d position but not obs/occ, right? If you are using Unity, try to remove the 'ak room aware object'/Collider of the gameobject you play music on. In this way, the music is a common 3d music without spatial feature. If you want to use the room and portal stuff to relocate the music, set the 'Wall occlusion' of the room component to 0.
answered Apr 1, 2020 by Zhenzhen S. (160 points)