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Sync Wwise soundtrack with Unity timeline

+2 votes
Hello everyone.

I am looking for a way to synchronise a soundtrack played in Wwise with a cutscene played with Unity Timeline.

For the moment if I launch the soundtrack with an event track inside the timeline the soundtrack will not remain in sync in case of framerate drop / lag.

Even if it creats clic, cut or slowdown inside my sound I just want to make sure that my audio with remaine in synchro. (basicly I want the same result as if the soundtrack was played directly inside the timeline with unity audio engine)

Thanks a lot for any clue on that !

asked Jun 30, 2020 in General Discussion by Antoine B. (120 points)
Hi there,

Is there any update on that issue?
I'm facing the exact same problem: audio playing from wwise drifting off on frame drops.


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