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Unreal Wwise Integration not Picked up by Source Control

0 votes
I'm currently working on getting Wwise integrated into Unreal 4 as part of a project I am working on with a small team. Everything has worked fine on my end, sound plays, I can generate banks without issue, and I have access to all of the Audiokinetic functions. However, this is not the case for anyone else working on the project. The AK functions and components aren't recognized, so while they have access to the objects I create, their engine doesn't have the plugin, or whatever files Wwise installs into UE4. Likely, we have our source control setup incorrectly, and aren't sharing files that we need to be, I just don't know what those files are or what settings I need to adjust. Thanks for the help.
asked Jul 21, 2020 in General Discussion by Michael A. (100 points)

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