Steinberg Virtual Reality World Premiere | Game Developers Conference 2018

Watch Senior Marketing Manager, Timo Wildenhain, and Software Developer, Yvan Grabit give a first outlook on Steinberg Virtual Reality, our initiative that brings innovative VR production standards to future Nuendo and Cubase versions.

Join the experts and take a first look at the VR tool kit and dedicated workflows that transform Nuendo and Cubase into a full-fledged VR production platform. This four-minute video explains the context and concepts of virtual reality and the seamless integration of cost-effective VR production workflows into both DAWs.

Also find out what Product Manager of Yamaha, Kanoa Yagasoshi, has to say about ViReal and its 3D audio rendering technology that achieves ultra-realistic 3D audio renderings. Kanoa also fills us in on Yamaha's aspirations on releasing VST plug-ins for binaural content creation.

Visit us at the GDC 2018, for the Steinberg VR world premiere at the Audiokinetic booth #1315, for live VR feature and workflow demonstrations.

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