Wwise Up On Air - Hands On | Wwise Unity Demo Showcase (Pure Data/ Heavy) w/ Hou Chenzhong

Join us this week on Wwise Up On Air as we go Hands On with Audiokinetic Product Expert Hou Chenzhong as we explore his custom Wwise Unity project that illustrates the dynamic possibilities enabled by Wwise and Unity in-conjunction with Pure Data(Pd) and leveraging the Heavy compiler to create custom Plug-ins for Wwise. We go over the use of a custom BitCrusher Plug-In to modify the sound and visuals dynamically, along with a Multi-band Meter created in Pure Data and Built as a Wwise Plug-In to modify the size of objects in Unity based-on their amplitude and frequency. Lastly we take a look at music generated by Open Music and implemented using MIDI in the Wwise Music System and demonstrated in Unity.

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For more information on on creating Plug-Ins with Pure Data and Heavy for Wwise, check out these Wwise Blog articles written by Hou Chenzhong:


For a quick introduction to using Pure Data patches in Wwise, you can watch this One Minute Wwise as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftucjYF5QX8

If you like this, you'll probably enjoy the first episode in our "Programming a Wwise Plug-In" series, where we provide an accessible introduction to some of the concepts and considerations when creating your own plug-in for Wwise:

Along with the Hands On with WAAPI referenced for automating the assignment of MIDI Notes in Wwise:

0:00:00 Introduction
0:04:53 Overview
0:11:23 Pure Data
0:15:37 Heavy
0:16:18 Heavy co-creator Joe White
0:25:53 The Compiler
0:29:59 Unity BitCrush Plug-In Demo
0:32:45 Installing the Heavy Compiler
0:38:56 Online Heavy Compiler

0:41:35 Wwise BitCrush Plug-In
0:43:38 Demonstration in Unity
0:47:34 Making the Wwise BitCrush Plug-In
0:56:22 Properties and Parameters
1:02:18 Transfer plugin to Wwise
1:03:06 Demo in Wwise
1:07:38 SoundCaster Demo
1:09:28 Setup Walkthrough
1:18:10 Creating a Multi-band Meter Plug-In
1:21:23 Demonstration in Unity

1:22:58 Multi-band Meter PD Patch
1:26:57 Making the Multi-band Meter
1:30:01 Demo in Wwise
1:32:06 Frequency Spectrum in Game Object Profiler
1:35:51 Heavylib
1:37:13 Books
1:40:28 OpenMusic Overview
1:45:39 Demo in Wwise
1:49:58 Waapi MIDI Assignment
1:52:38 Demo in Unity

1:54:58 Wrap up


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