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00002 //
00003 // Copyright (c) 2006 Audiokinetic Inc. / All Rights Reserved
00004 //
00007 #ifndef _AK_MIXERINPUTMAP_H_
00008 #define _AK_MIXERINPUTMAP_H_
00010 #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkTypes.h>
00011 #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/IAkPlugin.h>
00012 #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/IAkPluginMemAlloc.h>
00013 #include <AK/Tools/Common/AkArray.h>
00040 template <class USER_DATA>
00041 struct AkInputMapSlot
00042 {
00043     AK::IAkMixerInputContext *  pContext;
00044     USER_DATA *                 pUserData;  
00046     AkInputMapSlot() : pContext( NULL ), pUserData( NULL ) {}
00047     bool operator ==(const AkInputMapSlot& in_Op) const { return ( pContext == in_Op.pContext ); }
00048 };
00052 class AkPluginArrayAllocator
00053 {
00054 public:
00055     AkForceInline AkPluginArrayAllocator() : m_pAllocator( NULL ) {}
00056     AkForceInline void Init( AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator ) { m_pAllocator = in_pAllocator; }
00057 protected:
00058     AkForceInline void * Alloc( size_t in_uSize ) { AKASSERT( m_pAllocator || !"Allocator not set. Did you forget to call AkMixerInputMap::Init()?" ); return AK_PLUGIN_ALLOC( m_pAllocator, in_uSize ); }
00059     AkForceInline void Free( void * in_pAddress ) { AKASSERT( m_pAllocator || !"Allocator not set. Did you forget to call AkMixerInputMap::Init()?" ); AK_PLUGIN_FREE( m_pAllocator, in_pAddress ); }
00060     AkForceInline AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc * GetAllocator() { return m_pAllocator; }
00061 private:
00062     AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *     m_pAllocator;
00063 };
00066 template <class USER_DATA>
00067 class AkMixerInputMap : public AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1>
00068 {
00069 public:
00070     typedef AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1> BaseClass;
00073     USER_DATA * Exists( AK::IAkMixerInputContext * in_pInput )
00074     {
00075         typename AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1>::Iterator it = FindEx( in_pInput );
00076         return ( it != BaseClass::End() ) ? (*it).pUserData : NULL;
00077     }
00080     USER_DATA * AddInput( AK::IAkMixerInputContext * in_pInput )
00081     {
00082         typename AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1>::Iterator it = FindEx( in_pInput );
00083         if ( it != BaseClass::End() )
00084             return (*it).pUserData;
00085         else
00086         {
00087             AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA> * pSlot = AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1>::AddLast();
00088             if ( pSlot )
00089             {
00090                 pSlot->pUserData = AK_PLUGIN_NEW( AkPluginArrayAllocator::GetAllocator(), USER_DATA );
00091                 if ( pSlot->pUserData )
00092                 {
00093                     pSlot->pContext = in_pInput;
00094                     return pSlot->pUserData;
00095                 }
00096                 BaseClass::RemoveLast();
00097             }
00098         }
00099         return NULL;
00100     }
00103     bool RemoveInput( AK::IAkMixerInputContext * in_pInput )
00104     {
00105         typename AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1>::Iterator it = FindEx( in_pInput );
00106         if ( it != BaseClass::End() )
00107         {
00108             AKASSERT( (*it).pUserData );
00109             AK_PLUGIN_DELETE( AkPluginArrayAllocator::GetAllocator(), (*it).pUserData );
00110             BaseClass::EraseSwap( it );
00111             return true;
00112         }
00113         return false;
00114     }
00117     void Term()
00118     {
00119         if ( BaseClass::m_pItems )
00120         {
00121             RemoveAll();
00122             AkPluginArrayAllocator::Free( BaseClass::m_pItems );
00123             BaseClass::m_pItems = 0;
00124             BaseClass::m_ulReserved = 0;
00125         }
00126     }
00129     typename AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1>::Iterator FindEx( AK::IAkMixerInputContext * in_pInput ) const
00130     {
00131         AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA> mapSlot;
00132         mapSlot.pContext = in_pInput;
00133         return BaseClass::FindEx( mapSlot );
00134     }
00137     void RemoveAll()
00138     {
00139         for ( typename AkArray<AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>, const AkInputMapSlot<USER_DATA>&, AkPluginArrayAllocator, 1>::Iterator it = BaseClass::Begin(), itEnd = BaseClass::End(); it != itEnd; ++it )
00140         {
00141             AKASSERT( (*it).pUserData );
00142             AK_PLUGIN_DELETE( AkPluginArrayAllocator::GetAllocator(), (*it).pUserData );
00143             (*it).~AkInputMapSlot();
00144         }
00145         BaseClass::m_uLength = 0;
00146     }
00147 };
00149 #endif // _AK_MIXERINPUTMAP_H_

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