
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Blueprint Functions

Several Wwise-specific global functions are exposed to scripting, many of which simply convert and pass their arguments to their corresponding Wwise API. The following functions are available in the Audiokinetic category:

Cancel Event Callback

Cancels a callback event that was supplied to PostEvent. The Blueprint Event will no longer be called after this node has been executed.

Get Ak Audio Type User Data

Returns the user data of the specified type from the given asset.

Get Ak Component

Obtains an AkComponent that is attached to and follows a specified component. Several methods are available directly on the AkComponent : see AkComponent Blueprint Functions.

Get Ak Media Asset User Data

Returns the user data of the specified type from the given media asset.

Get Occlusion Scaling Factor

Gets the occlusion scaling factor.

Get RTPC Value

Gets the value of a Game Parameter, optionally targeting the root component of a specified actor.

Get Speaker Angles

Gets speaker angles of the specified device. For more information, refer to: GetSpeakerAngles.

Is Editor

Returns true if the running application is an Editor, and false otherwise.

Is Game

Returns true if a world can be obtained from the WorldContextObject argument and its WorldType is a Game, GamePreview or Play-In-Editor. Returns false otherwise.

Post Event At Location

Posts a Wwise Event at a specified location. This is a fire-and-forget sound, created on a temporary Wwise Game Object with no corresponding AkComponent.

Post Event At Location Async

Posts a Wwise Event at a specified location. The async version waits for the media to be loaded before posting the event. This is a fire-and-forget sound, created on a temporary Wwise Game Object with no corresponding AkComponent.

Reset RTPC Value

Resets the value of a Game Parameter to the default value specified in the Wwise project, with either a global scope or a game object scope, and optionally targets the root component of a specified actor. If the actor is left unspecified or is null, a global Game Parameter value is set. If no RTPCValue is provided, the RTPC parameter is used. Otherwise, it is ignored.

Set Bus Config

Forces channel configuration for the specified bus. For more information, refer to: SetBusConfig.

Set Multiple Channel Emitter Positions

Sets multiple positions for a single game object, with flexible assignment of input channels. Parameter GameObjectAkComponent is the AkComponent of the game object on which to set positions. ChannelMasks is an Array of channel masks to apply for each position. Positions is an Array of transforms to apply. MultiPositionType is the Position type. Please note that this functionality is not compatible with Spatial Audio.

Set Multiple Positions

Sets multiple positions for a single game object. Setting multiple positions on a single game object is a way to simulate multiple emission sources while using the resources of only one voice. This can be used to simulate wall openings, area sounds, or multiple objects emitting the same sound in the same area. Note: Calling SetMultiplePositions() with only one position is the same as calling SetPosition(). Parameter GameObjectAkComponent is the AkComponent of the game object on which to set positions. Positions is an Array of transforms to apply. MultiPositionType is the Position type. Please note that this functionality is not compatible with Spatial Audio. For more information on the different position types, refer to: MultiPositionType.

Set Multiple Speaker Emitter Positions

Sets multiple positions for a single game object, with flexible assignment of input speakers. Parameter GameObjectAkComponent is the AkComponent of the game object on which to set positions. SpeakerMasks is an Array of speaker masks to apply for each position. Positions is an Array of transforms to apply. MultiPositionType is the Position type. Please note that this functionality is not compatible with Spatial Audio.

Set Occlusion Scaling Factor

Sets the occlusion scaling factor.

Set Panning Rule

Sets the panning rule of the specified output. This may be changed anytime once the sound engine is initialized. For more information, refer to: SetPanningRule.

Set RTPC Value

Sets the value of a Game Parameter, optionally targeting the root component of a specified actor. If the actor is left unspecified or is null, a global Game Parameter value is set.

Set Speaker Angles

Sets speaker angles of the specified device. For more information, refer to: SetSpeakerAngles.

Set State

Sets the active State for a given State Group.

Spawn Ak Component at Location

Creates a new AkComponent at the specified location. By default, the component will automatically be destroyed once the Event it is playing is done. Parameter Auto Post controls whether to post the event immediately upon the component's creation (Default value is false). Advanced parameter Auto Destroy controls whether to destroy the component when the first Event posted on this component is done (Default value is true).

This Blueprint node is especially useful if you wish to set a Switch on a fire-and-forget sound. This behavior can be accomplished by disabling Auto Post, setting a Switch on the spawned Ak Component, and then posting the Event, like so:

Stop All

Stops all currently playing sounds.

Set Current Audio Culture

See Localization of Audio Assets for more information

Set Current Audio Culture Async

See Localization of Audio Assets for more information


Other functions are available in sub-categories:

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