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Will you have a new integration for UE5, one that works with the official release and not the early access?

+2 votes
We develop a game with UE5 official release I would like to know if you have plans for releasing a new integration that works with the engine.
asked Apr 25, 2022 in Feature Requests by Panos V. (120 points)
I can second that question, official guide worked for UE5EA, but now with the release of UE5, WWise left hanging. I do remember they mentioned a release of .8 version of WWise soon, but idk when. If you follow the EA integration, it ends up with not compiling and giving an error containing "Matinee" something something that I can't really remember.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Panos and Omnisepher,

Take a look at this page:
More information will come soon.
answered Apr 29, 2022 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (38,720 points)