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Imminent Hotfix to Address Wwise 2021.1.8 Unreal Integration Issues

0 votes
The latest version of the Wwise Unreal integration (2021.1.8.7831.2284) has a few critical bugs that have been reported since its release. We are currently testing a hotfix release to address packaging issues, hangs and crashes that were reported. We are hoping to release the hotfix version today, we will update the status here later today.
asked May 20, 2022 in General Discussion by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic) (5,630 points)

There are several blockers with this update like serialization of all assets causing:

"Media data XX in XX is not up to date. Please regenerate sound data."

There is also a crash/assert blocker in the loading of AkAssets:

assertion failed: AsyncLoadingThread.RecursionNotAllowed.Increment() == 1


2 Answers

0 votes
The Hotfix update to the Wwise 2021.1.8.7831 Unreal integration will not be released today as testing showed more work is required. We are now aiming to release it on Tuesday May 24th.
answered May 20, 2022 by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic) (5,630 points)
Any updates on this ?
As a workaround we found that forcing the AkAudio module to load earlier fixed the issue.
Any update on this?
Just to let you know, the 2021.1.8 hotfix doesn't actually compile properly. You are missing header includes in AkAssetData.cpp for
#include "Core/Public/Modules/ModuleManager.h"
We are also seeing a LOT of this error when packaging a build:
LogAkAudio: Error: Skipping media load. DataChunks.Num()=1; LoadedMediaData=0; Parent=2605385728; MediaMemoryManager=0

What is causing this?
0 votes
Best answer
The Hotfix update to the Wwise 2021.1.8.7831 is now available in the Launcher, the version number is 2021.1.8.7831.2285.
answered May 26, 2022 by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic) (5,630 points)