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“Event” will be delayed,because its soundbank has not been loaded.

0 votes
Wwise Addressables:“Event” will be delayed,because its soundbank has not been loaded.


AK.Wwise.Unity.WwiseAddressables.AkAddressableBankManager:LoadedBankContainsEvent (string,uint,object,string,System.Type[],object[]) (at Library/PackageCache/com.audiokinetic.wwise.addressables@842122acfb/Runtime/AkAddressableBankManager.cs:367)
AK.Wwise.Event:ExecuteAction (UnityEngine.GameObject,AkActionOnEventType,int,AkCurveInterpolation) (at Assets/Wwise/API/Runtime/WwiseTypes/WwiseTypes/AkWwiseEvent.cs:143)
AK.Wwise.Event:Stop (UnityEngine.GameObject,int,AkCurveInterpolation) (at Assets/Wwise/API/Runtime/WwiseTypes/WwiseTypes/AkWwiseEvent.cs:124)
AkEventInspector/AkEditorEventPlayer:StopEvent (AkEvent) (at Assets/Wwise/MonoBehaviour/Editor/AkEventInspector.cs:260)
AkEventInspector:OnChildInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Wwise/MonoBehaviour/Editor/AkEventInspector.cs:147)
AkAmbientInspector:OnChildInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Wwise/MonoBehaviour/Editor/AkAmbientInspector.cs:63)
AkBaseInspector:OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Wwise/MonoBehaviour/Editor/AkBaseInspector.cs:18)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
asked Jul 20, 2022 in General Discussion by ZHANGFEI (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This message indicates that PostEvent has been called with an event in a soundbank that has not yet been loaded by the Addressable bank manager.
This can be due to the fact that the addressable bundle containing the soundbank is still downloading, or because the Scene is missing an AkBank component to load the bank containing the event.
answered Aug 1, 2022 by Etienne R. (Audiokinetic) (1,140 points)