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Why does the voice profiler not show all of the views on Wwise (Mac)

0 votes
Every time I go into the voice profiler layout it only gives me the container property editor and nothing else. I'm using version 2021.7.7796 and on Monterey Mac if that happens to be the issue. Is there a way to get all of the views onto the voice profiler? Thank you.
asked Sep 17, 2022 in General Discussion by Elliott K. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I cannot reproduce this issue on my side: have you tried resetting your layouts to the defaults? In the Layouts menu > Reset Factory Layouts... and select each layout you want to reset.
answered Sep 21, 2022 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,300 points)
I just reset the Voice Profiler and it shows all of the windows now. Thank you so much!