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AkSoundEngine.LoadBank returns AK_InvalidParameters with an Android device.

+2 votes
When I load obb file with LoadBank method, I got AK_InvalidParameters error.
I can get the values of ms_pInMemoryBankPtr and in_uInMemoryBankSize.
I confirmed the in_uInMemoryBankSize shows correct size.
It sounds when I unckecked the split build and delete the symbol, AK_LOAD_BANK_IN_MEMORY.
And also, Windows enviroment doesn't occur this error.
Nothing to do with split build check and in memory symbol.
Does anyone have any solutions?
tried Wwise version
AKRESULT result = AkSoundEngine.LoadBank(ms_pInMemoryBankPtr, in_uInMemoryBankSize, out ms_bankID);
Android device
Galaxy S5
Android version
Unity version
Unity Settings
-player settings->android tab
--Publishing Settings -> Split Application Binary : checked
--Other Settings -> Scripting Define Symbols : AK_LOAD_BANK_IN_MEMORY
this error occured ver 2013.2.4 as well.
asked Feb 12, 2015 in General Discussion by 太郎 (120 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
Certain platforms (like Android) need the memory to be aligned, and it seems our C# allocator does not do it correctly. I have opened a bug to track this issue.
answered Feb 16, 2015 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)
edited Feb 16, 2015 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic)
Has there been any update on this issue?
We are currently pulling our hairs on managing the obb split. We're on Unity 4.6.x
The fix is included in the 2014.1.5 and 2015.1+ integrations.

You should note that the AkMemBankLoader.cs might need some tweaking for it to work correctly with your specific needs.