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MissingPlugin in Wwise-251

0 votes
Time    ID    Message    Parameters
Warning    14:20:14    PluginNotFound    The Plug-in 'Wwise Convolution Reverb' was not found for '\Effects\Default Work Unit\Reverbs\WAG_Desert'. Edition and playback won't be available for this object.    WAG_Desert
Warning    14:20:14    EffectPluginNotInstalled    '\Effects\Default Work Unit\Reverbs\WAG_Desert' uses the audio effect plugin 'Wwise Convolution Reverb', which is not installed.    WAG_Desert
Warning    14:20:14    PluginNotFound    The Plug-in 'Wwise Convolution Reverb' was not found for '\Effects\Default Work Unit\Reverbs\WAG_DLC_Room'. Edition and playback won't be available for this object.    WAG_DLC_Room
Warning    14:20:14    EffectPluginNotInstalled    '\Effects\Default Work Unit\Reverbs\WAG_DLC_Room' uses the audio effect plugin 'Wwise Convolution Reverb', which is not installed.    WAG_DLC_Room
Warning    14:20:14    PluginNotFound    The Plug-in 'Wwise Convolution Reverb' was not found for '\Presets\Default Work Unit\PineForest'. Edition and playback won't be available for this object.    PineForest
Warning    14:20:14    EffectPluginNotInstalled    '\Presets\Default Work Unit\PineForest' uses the audio effect plugin 'Wwise Convolution Reverb', which is not installed.    PineForest
asked Nov 11, 2022 in General Discussion by HAN Z. (130 points)
edited Nov 14, 2022 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hello Han,

In Wwise-251 or Wwise-301 you'll need to apply for an academic license, so you can generate SoundBanks with the Wwise Convolution Reverb.
Secondly, you also need to install the plugin with the Wwise installation

Let us know if you get it to work.

answered Nov 14, 2022 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (38,720 points)