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Settings up secondary audio devices for Wwise 2022 in Unreal Engine 5

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Hello, I'm trying to set up multiple input and output devices for my Unreal Engine 5 application using Wwise 2022. Specifically, I want to be able to choose from a list of available devices and connect them to a list of bus or master bus. Could you help me with this ?

I came across an article by Ed Kashinsky called 'Implementing Two Audio Devices to Your UE Game Using Wwise' and also found the original documentation from Wwise. I attempted to follow the steps in the article, but it seems that the Wwise code has been updated since then and I'm encountering compilation errors. The Wwise documentation appears to be more up-to-date, but I'm still unsure about how to set this up. If anyone could provide some guidance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for reading,

asked Mar 8, 2023 in General Discussion by ARKADATA / Pierre Daunis (110 points)

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