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I did not use MAC Bank, but when I clicked on Generate SoundBanks, I was prompted with a MAC Bank error

0 votes
WwiseUnity: SoundBanks generation error:

Wwise | v2022.1.2 | Build no.8150 | (C) 2006-2023. Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.

*** Loading Project ***

*** Bank Generation ***

SoundBankGeneration    Fatal Error    None    Trial mode: Maximum number of media items exceeded (865 out of the 200 permitted). To unlock this limitation, ensure that you have registered this project, that it has been granted a License Key, and that you have added your License Key to your Wwise project. Need help?    Mac

Process completed with fatal error(s).
asked Apr 6, 2023 in General Discussion by 思佳 (100 points)

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