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Is there a way to open two wwise projects at once?

+3 votes
Is there any way to either open two projects simultaneously and span them across screens or open two instances of wwise?
I want to look at an old project I made as reference when building a new one.

Not easy to keep opening and closing each one.
Is this possible?
asked Oct 11, 2013 in General Discussion by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
1. Show system settings
 - Hold the keys [Windows] and [Pause|Break] on keyboard to show the System dialog
 - Click the "Advanced system settings" (on the left)
 - type "Advanced system settings" in the start menu
 - select "View Advanced system settings"

2. Go to "Advanced" tab
3. Click "Environment Variables" button
4. in the System Variables, click "New..."
6. Variable value: 1
7. Click OK on 3 dialogs

Now you can restart Wwise twice.  Be aware of not opening the same project twice, you may get into trouble
answered Oct 11, 2013 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
selected Aug 28, 2014 by Claude B. (Audiokinetic)
How can this be done on a Mac?
How can this be done on a mac?
In a Mac, if you select both projects in quick sequence from the Wwise Launcher, both will open as separate Wwise instances. This may be considered a bug, however, and fixed down the line.
On Mac this is already supported by default, the trick is in the file , where there is a line "WWISE_MULTIPLE_INSTANCE_NO_ASK"="". To disable the multiple-instance behaviour, simply comment this line out by prepending ";;"