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I am integrating (preferably) Wwise 2023.1.6.8555 with Unreal 5.2. However, it is giving the following error.
"Unreal Engine version not supported in the latest Wwise integration version. Previous versions can still be integrated."
This error appears for all of our 5.2 and 5.1 projects, but does not appear for 5.3/5.4 projects.
According to the Release Notes 2023.1.6 This version of Wwise is compatible with Unreal Engine 5.2-5.4.
We have the same error with the latest 2022 build of Wwise as well, and can't seem to find a version that is compatible.
I have also tested by creating a new demo project in UE5.2, the error persists.
Is Wwise just incompatible with UE5.2?

in General Discussion by Kei M. (100 points)

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