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When are the properties of IPluginPropertySet valid and what is the exact sequence of calls for IAudioPlugin?

0 votes
We want to maintain a plugin property which encodes a version number.


We expected to see values from the .wwu file in the property set when IAudioPlugin::SetPluginPropertySet is called but we only see the default values from our plugin.xml file.

We do see the values we expect when calls are made to IAudioPlugin::WindowProc or IAudioPlugin::NotifyCurrentPlatformChanged.

We would prefer not to rely on UI instantiation or a platform change.


Any suggestions gratefully received!


And one bonus question - is the plugin property named "Version" used internally by Wwise?  When IAudioPlugin::SetPluginPropertySet is called we see a value there ("1") which is neither our default value or a value set in the wwu file.
asked Jun 22, 2015 in General Discussion by Audio K. (100 points)

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