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New batch rename feature only works for "Replace" in MacOS 10.10.2, Wwise version 2015.1.1 (b.5434)

+1 vote
Unable to use anything in the left pane of the "Batch Rename" view other than "Replace".

"Remove" and "Insert" are unable to be selected with the checkbox, and I cannot uncheck the "Replace" box. Is this a known issue with the MacOS version of Wwise?

MacOS 10.10.2,
Wwise version 2015.1.1 (b.5434)
asked Oct 5, 2015 in General Discussion by Paul F. (230 points)
edited Oct 6, 2015 by Paul F.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
This was not a previously known issue, but we have been able to reproduce this here; apparently not all Mac installations are affected. Thanks for the report!

We will fix this for the 2015.1.3 release. In the meantime, the workaround is to adjust the 'Name' column size in the settings list (by dragging the column header edge): this will cause the controls to snap to their proper location and start functioning properly.
answered Oct 7, 2015 by Martin D. (Audiokinetic) (1,670 points)
selected Oct 7, 2015 by Paul F.