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How to integrate Wwise with UE4 on Mac?

0 votes

I looked around the web for a way to integrate Wwise for UE4 on Mac. I found the github repository and followed the instructions, but when I run the build in xcode there's no plug-in in UE4. Do I have to open up a different file in order for it to work correctly? Is there a better process?
asked Nov 18, 2015 in General Discussion by Anthony G. (100 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Same problem here, any help?
answered Feb 15, 2016 by Alejandro A. (140 points)
0 votes

As of today, the Wwise integration is not a plugin, so it will not show up in the Plugins window. However, if you followed all the steps listed on GitHub, and compilation succeeded, you can see the integration is there in the Editor in multiple ways.

  • If you right-click in the Content Browser, you should see a "Audiokinetic" category
  • If you go to your project settings, you should see a "Wwise" category on the left, all the way to the bottom
  • If you click the drop-down arrow next to the "Build" button in the toolbar, you should see a "Generate SoundBanks" menu entry
If you don't see any of those entries in the Editor you compiled, make sure compilation ended successfully.
answered Feb 16, 2016 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)