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What's the difference between the "Send" and the "Game-defined Send"

0 votes
In the "Advanced Profiler" view,what's the difference between the "Send" tab and the "Game-defined Send" tab?
asked Dec 23, 2015 in General Discussion by Yan G. (170 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Game-defined auxiliary sends are used for  environmental effects on sounds based on their location in the game, so the tab shows you which environment the game object is sending signal to a send based on it's location in the game.

Send is a send to an auxilary bus, that is not related to the game defining which send is active.. The sends become active when a sound is playing and sending to the send.

Game Defined Sends are normally used for, environments, Room 1 (big) Room 2 Small. The game engine informs wwise which send to activate, based on the  "room" the sound  object is in  and activates and sends to the assigned send that has ,for example a big hall reverb on room 1 and a small room reverb for room 2. 


answered Feb 11, 2016 by Simon P. (270 points)