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Queries: find all Sound FXs based on duration of their sound sources

0 votes

I'd like to multi-edit Sound FXs to set their streaming settings based on their duration (long sounds -> streaming, otherwise keep them in memory). However it seems queries will only allow me to find source objects based on duration, and streaming settings are only available on Sound FX objects.

So, either I:
- attempt to list all objects with a duration of (for instance) more than 10s, and then I get a list of sound sources and multi edit won't allow me to set streaming settings
- or look for objects of the 'Sound' type with the same duration, and get no result at all (because Sound objects don't have a duration attribute)

What sort of query should I use to find Sound FXs for which the used source is greater/lesser than a certain duration?

asked Mar 10, 2016 in General Discussion by Matthieu B. (140 points)

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