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WWise Picker Empty (macOS Sierra 10.12.1, Unity 5.5.0b11)

0 votes

Nothing appears in the picker aside from the default folders. Which are using some crazy low-resolution icons and are not expandable.

I'm running a fresh integration, I've tried both using the launcher (which destroyed my unity project by stomping my window layout settings and required that I re-download other plugins to stop them from having namespace errors). Afterwards I reverted my unity project and re-integrated with the iOS.unitypackage at Both have had the same issue.

At the moment all I'm trying to do is get a single sound playing in game. I've both tried creating a new project with a single event and using a soundbank that my audio engineer generated for me remotely. Neither seem to populate the picker list.

As an aside, is there a way to NOT link a Wwise project? I'll never be opening Wwise itself. I don't want to require my audio engineer to use my git repo for the Wwise project. All I care about is syncing the soundbank files that he generates.

Thanks for any help!

asked Nov 25, 2016 in General Discussion by Jake S. (100 points)

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