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[Wwise/Unreal] Quick question about adding elements to DemoGame reverb.

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Expanding on the title:

Basically, I have been working on improving pieces of the DemoGame that comes with the Unreal Integration of Wwise. I added different physical surfaces, and footsteps - and all the blueprints necessary to have it detect what surface I'm running on and switch footstep sounds accordingly.

Now, I duplicated the details for the AkReverbVolume sphere that is originally in the dome, and moved the duplication to another part of my map, and used a different reverb.

So far, all good, my gun sound triggers the reverb. But now I'm interested in adding my footsteps to trigger the reverb as well.

So basically, I'm wondering how I can get my "AkEvents" anim notifies to trigger a reverb zone. Thank you.

This link is what I used for the footstep logic.

Thank you. 

asked Jan 18, 2017 in General Discussion by Benjamin L. (140 points)

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