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Nothing showing in "Remote Connections" list [closed]

0 votes
Hi, I´m new to wwise and trying to set up the project with the Cube demo. Ran in to a problem immediately; I can´t seem to find anything to connect to in "Remote Connections". Cube is running, from the "Wwise Lessons" folder.  I tried turning off my firewall, uninstalling/reinstalling wwise, tried connecting to my own IP etc. No luck. What could be the issue? I´m on 2015.1.9.
closed with the note: Solved. Silly mistake - was using cube-release.bat instead of cube-profile.bat.
asked Jan 19, 2017 in General Discussion by Christian W. (100 points)
closed Jan 25, 2017 by Christian W.

2 Answers

0 votes
Try connecting to Integration demo, you can find it here : \SDK\x64_vc120\Profile\bin

answered Jan 24, 2017 by Maximilien S. (2,840 points)
Thanks for your reply. Forgot to mention I´m on Windows 10. I can´t find a x64_vc120 folder in my SDK folder (or anywhere else). I found SDK/samples/IntegrationDemo folder but unfortunately no .exe or .prof. In SDK/samples/IntegrationDemo/WwiseProject there is a file called IntegrationDemo.wproj, though.
Try looking at your wwise installation and make sure you have the SDK checked and then under platforms check what version of Visual Studio is being installed. What i forgot to mention about "x64_vc120" is that that will change depending of what version of Visual Studio, so that part of the part might change depending.So in this case Visual Studio 2013 will be vc120, 2015 will be vc140 etc etc
0 votes

If you're on Windows, make sure the Cube demo is not in a protected folder (get it out of Programm Files if needed). My Documents is generaly a good choice.

Try to run the Cube demo as administrator.

You should use the Bat file, not exe.



answered Jan 24, 2017 by Rom D (1,070 points)
Thanks for replying. I´m on Windows 10. I tried your suggestions. Cube demo was already in "Documents", but I tried moving it around a bit without any luck. Running the .bat as administrator results in the program shutting down without any notice on startup.