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Sending to 2 different auxillary Busses at the same time

0 votes
Hi! I am working on a simple scene in Unity. I have a trigger collider and if the player steps into that area I want to send all sounds of the player to 2 different aux busses in wwise at the same time.

I know how to send to only one aux bus with the AKEnvironment Component, but I am having trouble with implementing it through C# code.

Thank you.
asked Mar 16, 2017 in General Discussion by Michael S. (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
In the authoring tool you could duplicate one bus and make it a child of the other bus. If you send your sounds to the duplicate bus, the sounds will be processed by both busses in sequence.
answered Mar 20, 2017 by Ian S. (2,060 points)