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+2 votes

I'm having trouble compiling (SoundBank) Displays the errors below and does not run the sound of cars!

Log Erro!

* Loading Project *
LogAk: Resolving...
LogAk: REV.Wappers : Here
REV.UI : Here
LogAk: * Importing SoundBank definition *
* Bank Generation *
LogAk: Process completed successfully.
LogAk: Wwise command-line successfully completed.
LogAkAudio: Error: Could not find plugin dynamic library CrankcaseAudioREVModelPlayer
LogAkAudio: Error: Plug-in not registered: 27267154

in General Discussion by Tiago S. (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


do you have solved this? Any hint? Now I have a very similar error: LogAkAudio: Error: Plug-in not found: 27267154

The error code is the same.
Thank you!

by Andrea R. (270 points)