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Unity Cloud Build IOException: Sharing violation with "Enable copying of soundbanks at pre-Build step"

0 votes
Using Unity 2017.3.0f3 with Wwise Integration 2017.2.0.6500.947

Windows and macOS builds fail on Unity Cloud Build with error:

31194: [Unity] Player export failed. Reason: IOException: Sharing violation on path /BUILD_PATH/tea-clipper-games.proj-rip-tcg.release-windows-64-bit/Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundBanks/Windows/163730314.wem" or "/BUILD_PATH/tea-clipper-games.proj-rip-tcg.release-windows-64-bit/Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundBanks/Windows/163730314.wem

- The Unity engineers identified the issue as coming from Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkBuildPreprocessor.cs as it tries to copy files.
- Local builds on Windows 10 complete successfully
- Issue started after setting "Enable copying of soundbanks at pre-Build step" in Wwise Settings
- Audio fails to play if the option is not set.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a workaround?
asked Feb 27, 2018 in General Discussion by Ed R. (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I also have the same issue, using Wwise 2019.1.4 - Unity 2019.2.9f1

I think it's related to the fact that both, source and destination paths for banks generation are the same (StreamingAssets/Audio/[PlatformName])

I made a quick fix to solve this issue, within the AKBuildPostProcessor.cs file, but it's not ideal.

Check this PasteBin:



answered Oct 18, 2019 by Raúl Emmanuel I. (820 points)
selected Oct 21, 2019 by Ed R.