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Not able to Install Unreal in my project, it asks for Windows_vc140

0 votes
When I Install Unreal in my project, it warns me about Windows_vc140 and Mac not being part of the Wwise SDK. I installed the Visual Studio 2015 components, but I still can't install the Unreal Integration in my project.

What can I do?
asked Mar 19, 2018 in General Discussion by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

There is a known issue with Wwise Launcher now. If you previously installed one of the following elements, it won't let you install the Unreal Integration in your Wwise Project:

  • Wwise Audio Lab
  • Wwise LTX (in some scenarios)
  • Wwise Adventure Game

Until we provide an official fix, please:

  1. Uninstall any of those products (Wwise Audio Lab, Wwise LTX, Wwise Adventure Game)
  2. Retry the Unreal Integration Installation
answered Mar 19, 2018 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
edited Mar 19, 2018 by Etienne B. (Audiokinetic)
A new Wwise Launcher version which addresses this issue has been released. You can use the update button from within the Launcher, or go to and click "Download Wwise".
0 votes
Best answer
A new Wwise Launcher version which addresses this issue has been released.

Please use the update button from within the Launcher, or go to and click "Download Wwise".
answered Mar 28, 2018 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)