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Accidentally closed window, can't find out how to re-open it.

0 votes


I started to learn Wwise and accidentelly closed an important window. Now i can't, for example, edit the playlist sequence, because there's no «Music Playlist Editor» window.  I've tryed to open every single window in Layouts and View menus, but nothing helped. Please help me to solve this little problem. 

Thank you!

There's the interface screenshot illustrating the problem:

asked Jun 24, 2018 in General Discussion by Ivan S. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Look like you're missing the 'Music Editor'.

You should be able to find it under 'Views->Music Editor'... or by pressing 'Shift-W'

Hope that helps.
answered Jun 26, 2018 by Oliver S. (310 points)
You can also restore your layouts to their initial setups by going to Layouts > Reset Factory Layouts".