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PrepareEvent Preparation_LoadAndDecode failed , not work

0 votes

base on Unity 5.6.6f2 , wwise 2017.2.6

AkSoundEngine.PrepareEvent( AkPreparationType.Preparation_Load, eventNameArray, numOfEvents ); < - - - work , ok

AkSoundEngine.PrepareEvent( AkPreparationType.Preparation_LoadAndDecode, eventNameArray, numOfEvents ); < - - - return Ak_Success , but still log error "Wwise: Media was not loaded for this source"

my question is " is there anyway to load single decoded media file instead of loading whole soundBank then decode it ?"


the description of prepareEvent and PreparationType :


asked Jan 23, 2019 in General Discussion by Yu-Wei Su (540 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I found another way to achieve the same goal.

Use Conversion Settings to set the target media files uncompressed.

Use prepareEvent method to load uncompressed media file.

So we don't have to load a soundBank contains compressed media then try to decode the media files on loadinig. The format is already uncompressed when packaged into the soundBank.

By the way , if we want use the advantage of prepareEvent() to load single media file instead of all media files in a soundBanks , there are three options inside the soundBankEditor window , { Events , Structures , Media } , do not check the Media , leave the box empty.
answered Jan 23, 2019 by Yu-Wei Su (540 points)
edited Jan 23, 2019 by Yu-Wei Su