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Can we get a detailed breakdown of the issues fixed in WG-40036?

0 votes
The bug description was: HDR attenuation is not equal over dry and wet paths for loud sounds having auxiliary sends.
asked Apr 3, 2019 in General Discussion by Kristofor M. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Here are repro steps, hoping it help to clarify what is the issue about:

In the Integration Demo project,
1. Create a new bus called HDR, with HDR enabled.
2. Under HDR, create an aux bus AuxHDR.
3. In Hello, assign output bus to HDR, set voice volume to +40 dB, set aux send to AuxHDR with +12dB send, set looping infinite. Set Enable Envelope to true.
4. Play.
 The HDR attenuation applied to dry and send connections is different!

It shouldn't. It should be the same whether it's the dry or aux bus that kick the HDR window up.

answered Apr 4, 2019 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
Thanks Bernard - I'm looking for exactly what is happening with the HDR attenuation(s). I would like to know exactly so I can either compensate in my game that has already shipped or potentially try to get someone to take this QFE. Can you give me exactly the details on what the differences are?
Hi Kristofor, it would be preferable to contact support to obtain this specific information.