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Wwise Authoring API 中设置颜色无报错但无效

0 votes
"@Color": "1",与"@Color": 1,均无效
asked Dec 28, 2020 in General Discussion by cai x. (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi, the property "OverrideColor" also should set to be True. So that the color setting will work.

"property": "OverrideColor",
"value": True

answered Dec 29, 2020 by Christopher Lou (460 points)
selected Dec 29, 2020 by cai x.
Error    11:27:44    WampInvokeError    WAMP CALL error 'ak.wwise.invalid_property' invoking 'ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty': 'Property cannot be set.'    Args:
    "object": "\\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\\New Work Unit\\unit\\audio3",
    "property": "OverrideColor",
    "value": true
Override Color and Color Property can only be set with Wwise 2019.2.8 and above:

Or, you can apply the following procedure:
That's weird. It did work in wwise 2019.2.5 or 2021.1.0 last week. But I can not modify OverrideColor value now, even in 2019.2.8.
And I also changed the IsVisible value in WObjects.xml.

But it seems to make the OverrideColor property be available on "All Properties" tab in Sound Property Editor. The error report in 2019.2.8:

2021-01-06T16:37:15 WaapiClientAutobahn (ERROR): ('ApplicationError(error=<ak.wwise.invalid_arguments>, args=[], '
 "kwargs={'message': 'Argument property  is unknown.', 'details': "
 "{'argumentName': 'property ', 'typeUri': "
 "'ak.wwise.schema_validation_failed', 'schemaKeyword': "
 "'additionalProperties', 'argumentPointer': '/property ', 'procedureUri': "
 "'ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty', 'schemaExpect': 'false', "
 '\'schemaPointer\': \'\', \'argumentValue\': \'"OverrideColor"\', '
 "'schemaDescription': ''}}, enc_algo=None, callee=None, callee_authid=None, "
 'callee_authrole=None, forward_for=None)')
Make sure there is no space after 'property '
I used this code for my python script and it worked:

def set_object_color_override(object_path):
    Active ou désactive l'override de couleur pour un objet spécifié par son chemin.
    args = {
        "object": object_path,
        "property": "OverrideColor",
        "value": True
    }"ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty", args)

def set_object_color(object_path, color_index):
    Définit la couleur d'un objet spécifié par son chemin.
    args = {
        "object": object_path,
        "property": "Color",
        "value": 4  #Red color
    }"ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty", args)