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Is there a way to apply a slew rate or a Filter over time on Obstruction Occlusion Curve in Project Settings?

+6 votes

I am looking for a way to smooth transition between the 0 and 100 occlusion value. I am using spatial audio and i'm looking for a way to apply a slew rate or a filter overtime on the project setttings obstruction and occlusion curve. I know you can do this directly with the RTPC but that means that you need to disabled the project obstruction and occlusion curve.So that way if you close or open a portal in game the sound will not just go from 0 to 100 occlusion in a fraction of seconds but will interpolate from 0 to 100 with the slew rate or the filtered over time?

asked Jan 26, 2021 in General Discussion by Frédéric A. (220 points)

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