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I can't find the button(open in Unity) after installing Wwise Adventure Game

+2 votes

I am learning Wwise-251, after installing Unity(2018.4.0f1 version), Wwise(2019.1.0 version)Wwise Adventure Game(2019.1.0 version), the button(Open in Unity) still couldn't be seen even I have selected Unity source project when I installed Wwise Adventure Game.  Could anyone help me? I couldn't continue learning Wwise, without solving this problem.

asked Apr 13, 2021 in General Discussion by 子雄 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi 子雄

Where do you have your Wwise project located on your computer? And do you use Mac or Windows? Most often it's because the Wwise Launcher cannot find Unity or the Unity project. If you got these things on an external drive, consider moving it to your local drive.

In the meantime, you can use the Unity Hub or just Unity to open the project. There's more info here.
answered Apr 13, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (38,720 points)