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unity 2019.4版本自带的videoplayer 播放mp4无声音,因为加入了wwise 的工程,去掉wwise工程就可以播放了

0 votes
unity 2019.4版本自带的videoplayer 播放mp4无声音,因为加入了wwise 的工程,去掉wwise工程就可以播放了
asked Jun 19, 2021 in Feature Requests by pan l. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
可以进入Unity的Project Settings中在Audio相关设置里重新打开被disable的Unity原生音频特性,


answered Jun 22, 2021 by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic) (5,990 points)
You can turn back on the disabled Unity native audio feature by going to Unity's Project Settings and going to the Audio-related settings.
Wwise will disable Unity native audio when it is integrated.
But the two are running in parallel