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If i use 1 sound file to creat multiple sfx by croping or pitchping it, does it count for 1 file in the soundbank?

+1 vote

 If i use 1 sound file to creat multiple sfx by croping or pitchping it, does it count for 1 file in the soundbank?

For example using an explosion to creat monster footsteps or shotgun sound etc...

i ask this because i may use the Free license for an indie project  and we can't afford the regular version.

thanks for the reply.



asked Dec 9, 2014 in General Discussion by romain T. (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Cropping in Wwise is a process executed during conversion of audio file. Only the audible portion of the cropped sound will actually be converted and placed in Soundbank.  For that reason, each cropped version of the same file will generate a different media file.
However, pitching is a runtime process, and creating a copy of a sound and affecting the pitch will not generate a different media file.
The best way to verify the number media file left is by generating the sound banks and looking at the message:
19:38:50 - Evaluation mode: SoundBanks contain 1 media item(s) out of the 200 permitted. Windows®
answered Dec 9, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)