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0 votes
asked Sep 23, 2021 in General Discussion by Li C. (150 points)
Hi,想确认一下,您提到的Emitter是指position页面使用Emitter with automation时的Emitter吗?
Hi, just to confirm, does the Emitter you mentioned refer to the Emitter when using Emitter with automation on the position page?

1 Answer

–1 vote



How to set pan to change at any time according to Emitter?



如果如我所料,您是希望在Wwise Authoring中移动Emitter时立即听到声音方位的变化,

这是可以做到的,建议您阅读这篇博客:Audiokinetic Blog

简单讲,您需要在Automation编辑器将播放模式设置为Continuous,并将Transition Time设置为0.01s




If, as I expect, you want to hear an immediate change in sound orientation when you move the Emitter in Wwise Authoring, it is possible to do so.

This can be done, so I suggest you read this blog: Audiokinetic Blog

In short, you need to set the playback mode to Continuous in the Automation Editor and set the Transition Time to 0.01s.

I hope this information will help you!



answered Sep 30, 2021 by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic) (5,990 points)
edited Sep 30, 2021 by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic)