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Using the same audio asset for two different events, with a "Set Voice Pitch" on one of them.

0 votes
If you use the same audio asset for two events, and add a "Set Voice Pitch" action on the second event will the first event be affected? Under the Scope section of the "Set Voice Pitch" I have it set to "Game Object" instead of global.
asked Dec 15, 2014 in General Discussion by Tom T. (340 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Tom,

Yes, if the events are both played on the same game object.

'Game Object' event scope means it will affect only the game object (the specific AkComponent) for which the event is being triggered. Global means it will affect all game objects. So in your case the 'set pitch' function will affect the pitch of the other event, if it is triggered on the same game object.  If however the event is triggered on another different game object, it will not be affected. The other object well have its own set of local game parameters. Example: player A  has a magic spell cast on him that changes the pitch of his voice. Your event which sets the pitch whill change his voice (game object scope), but player B will have a normal voice, even if he uses the same events to speak. If you set the event to be global instead, it will change the pitch of both player A and player B.

edit: keep in mind this is only true if the events both refer to the same actor-mixer object. If by the same asset you mean the same audio file in two different actor-mixer objects, they will be entirely disconnected.

You can test this functionality by dragging both events into a soundcaster session and playing them.

I hope this clarifies it for you.
answered Dec 15, 2014 by Richard Goulet (5,740 points)
edited Dec 15, 2014 by Richard Goulet
It definitely clears things up, thanks for the fast response!