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the wrong project() is open in wwise

0 votes
When integrating a project in Unity, everything seems fine with the initial process, but we get the message "the wrong project() is open in wwise" in the unity wwise window, next to the green "Connected".  The project in both wwise and unity is opened from the wwise launcher, so it is definitely the correct project.  What is the cause of this issue?

Using wwise 2021.1.7.7796 and unity 2020.3.26f1.

asked Mar 7, 2022 in General Discussion by Jean-François P. (140 points)
I'm facing the same problem

3 Answers

0 votes
Actually, for that error the solution was to change the access path in the wwise project settings.  However, now it cannot find the init.bnk, so still no sound.  I'm on macos 11.6.4, and I have a vague feeling it has to do with permissions... Any help is appreciated!
answered Mar 18, 2022 by Jean-François P. (140 points)
0 votes
In my case it was a wrong path configuration in Assets/WwiseSettings.xml file the at the <WwiseProjectPath> tag
answered May 19, 2022 by Luis Zoran R. (140 points)
0 votes
I had this bug since I forked a master branch in GitHub. The path was a reference to the ancient relative path "/.../Your Wwise project path" (Both Unity and Wwise projects were in the same drive) so I modified it to a regular path "D:/Your Wwise project path"
answered Sep 3, 2022 by Christophe M. (190 points)