SoundSeed Grain - Product Overview

By: Maximilien Simard Poirier
Audiokinetic, Product Expert - Developer Relations

SoundSeed Grain belongs to the SoundSeed family of specialized sound generators. A granular synthesizer which can be added to a Wwise project as a source Plug-In, SoundSeed Grain allows you to granulate and transform audio files with extreme flexibility, through granular synthesis and derivatives such as cloud, pulsar, concatenative and wavetable synthesis. SoundSeed Grain can be used to create particle effects, 3D ambiances and room tones, textured soundscapes, as well as time domain time-stretching and pitch-shifting, and is also a great sound design tool for making drones, UI and sci-fi sounds and music. It also features a plethora of sleek UI features that enhance the user experience.

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SoundSeed Grain


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SoundSeed Grain

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