
Wwise SDK 2018.1.11
C# (WampSharp)- WAMP


Note: 该示例需要带有对 C# 支持的 Visual Studio 2017 和 NuGet 软件包管理器扩展。

从 WampSharp 开始,如果您在 Wwise Authoring 应用的同一台电脑上运行示例,那么您需要将 ws:// 添加为允许的来源(origin)。若要做到这一点,请进入 Project > User Preferences... 并在 Wwise Authoring API 中的 Allowed origins 文本框中添加地址。请注意数值用逗号分隔。

想安装依赖,请在 Visual Studio 2017 中打开示例工程 <Wwise 安装路径>/SDK/samples/WwiseAuthoringAPI/cs/WaapiCS/WaapiCS.sln。通过在解决方案上单击右键并选择 Restore NuGet Packages 来安装依赖。

想选取启动对象,在 Solution Explorer 中右键单击 WaapiCS 工程并点击 Properties。然后选择 Application 选项卡,并在有 Startup object 标签的部分下,选择 WaapiCS.CallWwise


找到示例文件 <Wwise 安装路径>/SDK/samples/WwiseAuthoringAPI/cs/WaapiCS/CallWwise.cs 的位置。

该文件包含以下代码,让您能连接到 Wwise Authoring API。

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using WampSharp.Core.Serialization;
using WampSharp.V2;
using WampSharp.V2.Client;
using WampSharp.V2.Core.Contracts;
using WampSharp.V2.Rpc;
namespace WaapiCS
class CallWwise
const string serverAddress = "ws://";
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Wwise allows by default ws:// and ws://localhost.
// However, if you specify anything else in the server address, you will need to add
// it as an allowed origin in Wwise User Preferences.
// To do so, go to Project > User Preferences... and in the Wwise Authoring API section
// at the bottom of the window, add the address in the Allowed origins text box.
// Note that values are comma-separated.
DefaultWampChannelFactory factory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();
IWampChannel channel = factory.CreateJsonChannel(serverAddress, "realm1");
IWampRealmProxy realmProxy = channel.RealmProxy;
public static void CallGetInfo(IWampRealmProxy realmProxy)
Console.WriteLine("Calling 'ak.wwise.core.getInfo'");
// Arguments are passed using keywordArguments with primitive values which are serialized as Json
IDictionary<string, object> keywordArguments = new Dictionary<string, object>();
new AssertCallback(),
new CallOptions(),
new object[] { }, // Volontarily empty, we use only keywordArguments
public static void CallGetSelectedObjects(IWampRealmProxy realmProxy)
Console.WriteLine("Calling 'ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects'");
// Optional arguments are passed using a subclass of CallOptions providing data members as specified by the Wwise Authoring API
MyCallOptions options = new MyCallOptions();
options.@return = new string[] { "id", "name", "parent" };
new GetSelectedObjectsCallback(),
new object[] { }, // Volontarily empty, we use only keywordArguments
new Dictionary<string, object>()); // Volontarily empty, no keywordArguments are necessary for this API call
public class AssertCallback : IWampRawRpcOperationClientCallback
public void Result<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, ResultDetails details, TMessage[] arguments, IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords)
string name = argumentsKeywords["displayName"].ToString();
string copyright = formatter.Deserialize<JToken>(argumentsKeywords["version"])["displayName"].ToString();
Console.WriteLine("ak.wwise.core.getInfo: Hello {0} {1}", name, copyright);
// Other method overloads are never used: WAAPI always sends keyword arguments
public void Error<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, TMessage details, string error, TMessage[] arguments, TMessage argumentsKeywords) {}
public void Error<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, TMessage details, string error) {}
public void Error<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, TMessage details, string error, TMessage[] arguments) {}
public void Result<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, ResultDetails details) {}
public void Result<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, ResultDetails details, TMessage[] arguments) {}
public class GetSelectedObjectsCallback : IWampRawRpcOperationClientCallback
public void Result<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, ResultDetails details, TMessage[] arguments, IDictionary<string, TMessage> argumentsKeywords)
string prefix = "ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects: ";
Console.WriteLine(prefix + "Got selected object data!");
IEnumerable<JToken> objects = formatter.Deserialize<IEnumerable<JToken>>(argumentsKeywords["objects"]);
int selectedObjectsNum = objects.Count<JToken>();
Console.WriteLine(prefix + "Got {0} object(s)!", selectedObjectsNum);
if (selectedObjectsNum >= 1)
JToken firstObject = objects.First<JToken>();
Console.WriteLine(prefix + "The first selected object is '{0}' ({1})",
JToken parent = firstObject["parent"];
if (parent == null)
Console.WriteLine(prefix + "It has no parent.");
Console.WriteLine(prefix + "Its parent is '{0}' ({1})",
Console.WriteLine(prefix + "Select something and try again!");
// Other method overloads are never used: WAAPI always sends keyword arguments
public void Error<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, TMessage details, string error, TMessage[] arguments, TMessage argumentsKeywords) { }
public void Error<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, TMessage details, string error) { }
public void Error<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, TMessage details, string error, TMessage[] arguments) { }
public void Result<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, ResultDetails details) { }
public void Result<TMessage>(IWampFormatter<TMessage> formatter, ResultDetails details, TMessage[] arguments) { }
public class MyCallOptions : CallOptions
// Add data members with name corresponding to the option fields (see reference documentation)
// vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
[DataMember(Name = "return")]
public IEnumerable<string> @return { get; set; }
// If a data member is not set, it will not be sent to WAAPI
[DataMember(Name = "platform")]
public string platform { get; set; }


构建解决方案(Ctrl+B)并使用 Visual Studio 运行示例(F5)。

该示例调用两种方法:一种从 Wwise Authoring Application 中获取一般信息,另一种获取在 Application 中选中的对象。


Calling 'ak.wwise.core.getInfo'
Calling 'ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects'
ak.wwise.core.getInfo: Hello Wwise v2017.1.0
ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects: Got selected object data!
ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects: Got 1 object(s)!
ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects: The first selected object is 'New Sequence Container' ({03E8DC21-EB2F-4607-BFCC-25BCE69DFB27})
ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects: Its parent is 'ParentA' ({FBB64B3C-711C-46E6-9BBC-B49511F08244})
Note: 从 Wwise 中获取的信息,比如对象 ID,会因 Wwise Authoring Application 中打开的工程而异。如果不存在已选项,会显示以下信息:ak.wwise.ui.getSelectedObjects: Select something and try again!







开始 Wwise 之旅