
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
AkSpatialAudioListener类 参考

Add this script on the game object that represent a listener. This is normally added to the Camera object or the Player object, but can be added to any game object when implementing 3D busses. isDefaultListener determines whether the game object will be considered a default listener - a listener that automatically listens to all game objects that do not have listeners attached to their AkGameObjListenerList's. 更多...

类 AkSpatialAudioListener 继承关系图:

class   SpatialAudioListenerList
  This class represents the list of active Unity Game Objects that are designated to be spatial audio listeners. Currently, only one spatial audio listener can be active at a time. 更多...

Public 成员函数

void  EnteredRoom (AkRoom room)
  Called when entering a room. 更多...
void  ExitedRoom (AkRoom room)
  Called when exiting a room. 更多...
void  SetGameObjectInRoom ()
  Sets the Unity Game Object within the highest priority room. 更多...


static AkAudioListener TheSpatialAudioListener [get]
  Returns the "single" spatial audio listener. 更多...
static SpatialAudioListenerList  SpatialAudioListeners [get]
  Returns the list of active Unity Game Objects that are designated to be spatial audio listeners. 更多...


Add this script on the game object that represent a listener. This is normally added to the Camera object or the Player object, but can be added to any game object when implementing 3D busses. isDefaultListener determines whether the game object will be considered a default listener - a listener that automatically listens to all game objects that do not have listeners attached to their AkGameObjListenerList's.








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