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single BGM looping is not seamless, small gap occurs between 1st and 2nd time playing? [已关闭]

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Hello,Every one

First of all ,I'm pretty sure the music track can be perfectly looped in DAW and all information like tempo, signature ,cue were correctly set in Wwise. (I have more than 10 years music production experience)

In music playlist container, the configuration is also very simple, just one single track set to play infinite times.

I noticed though the track can be looped there is still some perceptible time gap during transition (the time interval between 1st and 2nd time playing is not zero maybe 200milli seconds?).  The defect is tiny but it still can not meet the requirement of high quality vedio game.

Anyone has the same problem?  any solution and idea is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
问题关闭原因: solved
最新提问 9月 21, 2022 分类:General Discussion | 用户: 亚民 (100 分)
已关闭 10月 31, 2022 用户:亚民