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Switches do not update in WwiseIDs.h

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I know this is going to be a user ID10T error, however....

After adding / editing switches in my Material switch group, the WwiseIDs.h file does not update or change after generation.   The Default Work Unit, however does seem to update.

Thank you for any thoughts on this.
最新提问 5月 4, 2023 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Kenneth W. (230 分)


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It appears I needed to delete the WwiseIDs.h file, then generate again and a new WwiseIDs.h file was created, and the new entries were added.    Odd workflow, but it seems to work.
最新回答 5月 5, 2023 用户: Kenneth W. (230 分)
采纳于 4月 15 用户:Kenneth W.
I deleted the WwiseIDs.h file and generated again to build a new one with the updated entries.   Strange workflow, but it works.