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Hi, ¿how can I connect two diferent Wwise project into one?

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Im working in a videogame with another person and we need to convert two sessions into one. Heeeelp!!!
最新提问 7月 4, 2023 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Esteban A. (100 分)


+1 投票

Hey Esteban, 

There is not a "combine" option per say, but the trick is to design a good Work Unit structure across both projects.
Work Units are used to separate your hierarchy into different code (XML) blocks. That way, you can commit your stuff without affecting other Work Units that your colleagues are currently working on. 

So how does it solve your current problem? 

  • Start by agreeing on a hierarchy structure of Work Units. The names should match.
  • Then one by one drag the the Work Units from your colleagues project into yours.
  • Reopen Wwise.

Keep in mind, replacing one of your Work Units will overwrite whatever is in your own. And if you are using Game Syncs, Sessions, etc. make sure to merge them exactly the same way. 

If you need inspiration, you can always open up one of our Samples, like the Wwise Adventure Game, to see how you could construct such a hierarchy. 

最新回答 7月 6, 2023 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)